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Managing company


SIA AML Properties

Reg. Nr. 40103412834

Jūrkalnes iela 22, Rīga, LV-1046

Signet Bank AS LV51LLBB0003204004059

Stanislava Yankovskaya


Tel.: +37120360005

E-mail: contact@amlproperties.lv


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Cases & projects

Close News of May 2022

News of May 2022

We are continuing to improve our territory. 

We have finished installing the automatic gate, the entrance has become more respectable:

Also a car charging station is now available:

Close How can a car service become a dealer? A successful joint project

How can a car service become a dealer? A successful joint project

Our tenant has been renting a room for a car service for a long time, and rides a motorcycle at his leisure. Once he said that he was looking for an additional place for a motorcycle service.

Our co-owner shares a passion for two-wheelers and communicates in the international bike community.

The birth of a business idea

The tenant and the co-owner of the building discussed the pros and cons of a conventional motorcycle service and decided to open a dealership. This is a long-term stable business with good prospects, support for a global brand and a constant influx of customers.

At first, they jointly picked up a moto brand, which became a major trademark of German

motorcycles. The landlord found the contacts of key persons through his contacts. Communication by correspondence led to a visit of future partners from Germany and discussion of the terms of the dealer contract.

Dealership opening

In the near future, a dealer of the first rank will start working in our building, and he will sell motorcycles of a well-known brand among professionals (which one is still a secret!).

So, from an ordinary conversation "over coffee", a joint business idea was born, which will soon become a promising business. A dealership is for a long time and reliably. A business of this level guarantees a stable cash flow, that is, an increase in profit for the tenant and a regular rent for the co-owner of the building.

Two bikers helped each other (because it's right and "for life"), in the end-everyone won.


Close Why did we allow the tenant to redevelop

Why did we allow the tenant to redevelop

One of our rooms had a high ceiling height of 7.5 meters. The tenant had some problems because of this. Firstly, there were high heating costs, and, secondly, there was a spatial geometry of the room. The proportions were visually distorted, which did not look the best.

What has the tenant suggested?

The tenant has suggested making the upstairs useless space a useful one: dividing one 7.5-meter floor into two by adding a mezzanine. This improves the geometry of the space and doubles the usable area. In addition, there are no problems with obtaining permits from the Office of Building Supervision, because the mezzanine is a temporary structure.

What have we decided?

Refusing is a bad idea. We can lose a tenant, and in any case something needs to be done with the room. And ... this is wrong from a human point of view. Why spoil karma if you can meet halfway?

We have, of course, resolved the Mezzanine add-on. The tenant has made an excellent guest area on the second floor. Now visitors spend their time comfortably in a cosily equipped space and are happy to wait for the company's employees.

We did not raise the rent. Redevelopment is an investment in the future, improvement for business and increased service for guests.

Close How we expanded our tenant parking?

How we expanded our tenant parking?

We rent a large territory of a paid parking company. It is divided into two zones: free for our tenants and paid with its own tariffs. The relationship with valet parking is governed by a rigid contract that details our responsibilities. We must take care of the territory, we cannot change the boundaries of paid parking or rent it out to third parties.

Our vast territory is rented to a paid parking company. It is divided into two zones: free for our tenants and paid for the rest with their own tariffs. The relationship with the parking company is regulated by a strict contract, in which our duties are described in detail. We must maintain the territory, and we also cannot change the boundaries of paid parking or rent it to third parties.

A free parking area is necessary for tenants to park their own vehicles, parking suppliers of goods, etc. Their business is growing and developing, and now there is not enough free space in the free zone.

And there are also buyers ' cars. Customers do not want to pay for parking, but there is no space in the free zone. This situation caused dissatisfaction of tenants and, in fact, threatened their business. 

We have protected the interests of tenants

The only possible solution was to redistribute the boundaries of the free and paid zones, which we were not entitled to under the contract. A difficult negotiation campaign began, which was conducted on behalf of the owner of the building and lasted more than three months.

After 3 months, we agreed with a paid parking company to redistribute the territory and expand the boundaries of the free zone. Our tenants have received more parking spaces, now there are enough of them not only for commercial vehicles, but also for customers ' cars.

Close Our business accelerator for tenants

Our business accelerator for tenants

One of our tenants decided to sell a car service business. It would seem - well, what do we care about? But we are for a human approach to business, so we decided to help him.

How did we act in this situation

At the first stage, we provided displays of the business being sold to potential buyers. A buyer for a stable car service was found quickly enough. We helped with the re-registration of the business at the transaction stage, supported the new owner at the transition stage and tried to simplify all the delays as much as possible. Actually, we helped as much as we could.

It turned out that our help was mega-effective. The process of transferring the business passed without difficulties and delays, the business did not "sink" at the transition stage. A stable car service changed its owner, and the customers did not even notice it.

The new business owner has become our new tenant. The better things are going for him – the better it is for us. In fact, by helping tenants, we increase the stability of the entire business ecosystem.

Green initiatives


We develop a comfortable and safe environment for business with care for nature.

We launched a highly efficient 200-cell solar power plant
that collects solar energy and silently converts it into electricity.
We also create a comfortable smart space outside our complex,
improving the sidewalks, parking and the area around.

Learn more about our green initiatives here.

Application to electrician

Application for renting

Application for hosting your own server in DATA ROOM

Application for a permanent car pass